Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Web 2.0

I was introduced to Web 2.0 a couple years ago in CI 302. We looked at several different Web 2.0 tools including Scratch, and many of the Google tools--Google Earch, Google Sketchup and blogger. While all of these tools were neat, it was a little bit hard to see how they'd be integrated and used in classrooms since the tools were fairly new. Now, however, it is clear to see that Web 2.0 is huge and going to get bigger in education.

Benefits of Web 2.0:
+ motivation--students enjoy interactive software, where they are the builder
+ interactive & user friendly-- Web 2.0 tools make the user in control of what's happening
+ ownership-- again, the user is in control of their own knowledge
+ options-- there are so many Web 2.0 tools available, that every learner and instructor is sure to find something that matches with their selected content goals
+ IT'S FREE!--most Web 2.0 tools are available at no cost. Some have basic programs that are free and then have a slight charge for more advanced tools or for other options, but basically--free! What teacher could pass up free tools?

Here's a video on Web 2.0

And here's a wordle of Wikipedia's Web 2.0 article:


  1. I really like the way you posted the benefits. I think that it is working its way into being one of top ways this generation learns. My nephews spend so much time on the computers using web 2.0 tools that my mom has found as a teacher. I think that kids are using technology more and more these days, so we as teachers have to too.

  2. I also enjoyed reading the benefits you listed for using web 2.0 in the classroom. It is amazing how just the simplest lesson done using a web 2.0 tool is so much more appealing to students. Although I was aware of a few web 2.0 tools before this class, I had no idea how many there are. It seems as if more and more free tools are being posted on the web each and everyday. These are a wonderful option for teachers not only because it is interesting and motivating for student, but also because they are free! :) It doesn't get much better than that!
