Thursday, June 25, 2009

Digital Stories

I think that using digital stories in the classroom would take a lot of time, and you would probably only do 1-2 per year. However, I think that watching each others own personal digital stories showed us what was of value to our classmates. No one would spend hours working on a project about a topic that wasn't important to them, when they were allowed to choose their own topic. In a K-12 setting, I think that the implications would be the same--students would gain significant insight about their classmates.


  1. I agree that they would be fun to use in the classroom, but would definitely be very time consuming. It would only need to be done once a year though. In an upper elementary classroom, it would be fun to do as a beginning of the year activity to get students familiar with each other. It would also be a neat end of the year activity. In my kindergarten classroom, I was thinking about involving the class in creating an end of the year class movie about all of the great things we have done in kindergarten.

  2. It does take time, but you would be surprised. I have done it several times in a 4th grade classroom and we get them done in 3 days! Not doing it all day of course, but as students finish they help others. It does really work. Yes, it is something that you wouldn't do every week, but adapt the requirements to shorten or to make it work for you.
