Friday, June 12, 2009

Previous Digital Storytelling

This storytelling is an example that I made in CI 302. We had to create an advertisement for an organization. This is my final project. I created the music in GarageBand--I really like the music!


  1. This is a really neat example of digital storytelling! I really enjoyed the music and think it adds to the emotional aspect of the story. I also thought the voice in the story was very strong. It is a neat example of how voice can be conveyed through simple text (that isn't even read aloud). I believe that the music helps to bring a voice to life. I am looking forward to trying Garage Band for my project, this is a great example of its possibilities!

  2. Nice example - I will say that we are taking a little different approach in 556 to digital storytelling! This is a PSA, but more of a learning story. So now you have an opportunity to tell a personal story or narrative. Lucky you!

  3. This is really good! It is interesting to see the different approaches you can take with IMovie. I like the way you switched back and forth between pictures and text. The pictures really hit the 'emotional' feelings of the viewer. Nice job and I will keep this approach in mind for the future!
